Video Clips

Friday, May 16, 2008

The God's Aren't Angry

Last November I took some friends and family with me to see Rob Bell on his speaking tour: "The god's aren't angry". The show was at a the Roseland Theater and it was packed out with about 1500 people. Here is a snippet of the DVD.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Breakfast or the Gym?

I am conflicted. I am starting to get back into regular morning workouts.... starting, I said. But this morning a conflict arose that has got me frustrated.

My Dad was available for breakfast which is always a good time, but what to do about the workout? I find it very difficult to eat before the gym, because then you are dragging this meal around with you... and then there's the burps... you know... the aftertaste of partially digested, formerly delicious breakfast. Not fun.

I hope that this is a false dichotomy, that these two important activities really are not in competition with each other, but I am afraid that it is looking more and more as thought they are. Of course I could always get up "earlier" and go to the gym first, which I suppose is the most rational solution. But, with young kids that need attention in the morning it is a crap shoot as to when they will wake up.

So, by the time the gym is an option, breakfast is either out of the question or a convenient excuse. As a breakfast person (and I recognize that you are either breakfast person, or you are NOT) it is frustrating that I have to choose to start my day with either a work out or breakfast.

Don't even get me started about coffee.... some things are just too sacred!

See ya at the gym... or the diner?!?!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Picnic on the Lawn

Greetings Blogosphere! I am sorry that it has been so long since my last post. The past month has been hectic as I finished up my term at school and had a lot going on at work. It has been good to spend some time connecting with the family over the past week.

Somewhere along the way, spring has arrived in Portland. Today was a beautiful day and we had a fun dinner on the front lawn. Nothing like burgers and beer while you watch your kids frolic in the year. Our neighbor commented "now that's a picture perfect family!" I agree completely, and if we hadn't left our camera at a friends house I would prove it!

Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.