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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Back in the Game

I've been away from blogging about my life for too long. So I think I'll get back in the game.

This past weekend my wife and kids were out of town for a couple of days. I found myself in a highly unusual position of having time on my hands. My life is very full and most days every minute of my time is spoken for by my various responsibilities. I often dream of having the freedom to do whatever I want and Saturday my dreams came true.

I knew that I wanted to get out of the house and since my addiction to caffeine has essentially ruined the possibility that I will ever "sleep in" for the rest of my life, I was up and about fairly early. It didn't take long before I found myself starting to get a little bored and missing my family. Strange how we always seem to want what we can't have isn't it?

Thankfully my friend McGraw (I will try to use psudonyms) and his wife, Belle, invited me to join them for lunch. We met up at the Deschutes Brewery in the Pearl district of Portland and had a great meal. I highly recommend their soft pretzel and cheeze dip... sooo good! The food was great, the conversation stimulating, and the beer was wonderful - they have an entierly new line from the Portland brewerey! Lots more to explore and enjoy!

It ended up being a good time to putz and do some laundry. It also reminded me of how grateful I am for all that I have.